Saturday, February 23, 2013

If I Can Have Any Tech Toy, What Would It Be?

     If I could have any tech toy, I would have the SupaBoy. I would want this gadget because it holds my childhood in a futuristic model. I would say I was not an ordinary girl, I grew up playing games and never with those dolls. This tech toy, SupaBoy would be something I would have of many tech toys. I am pretty sure that most people who play games would be familiar with a GameBoy and a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). Well, this gadget will blow your mind away.
     So here are some information about this tech toy. This was invented by the Nintendo game company; this came out in a 2.5 hour rechargeable battery. It is a portable SNES console that allows you to plug in the old SNES game cartridges. You can play on the built in controls or plug in the old SNES controls to the portable device. You can either play on the 3.5-inch LCD or connect it to a TV. It cost around from 80 dollars or higher.You can buy this online, but you will not be able to find this gadget in game stores.

Friday, February 8, 2013

If I Can Change the World, Where Would I Start?

     If I can change the world, I would first start out by getting rid of world hunger. There are many people in the world dying from starvation, and I feel as if the governments around the world are not doing what they can to their fullest. There are countries that donate to poor regions, but I believe they could do more to help stop world hunger. Also, countries that are getting help are always connected to the poor country; countries that have no connection to those countries they do not get any help. So, I would change the world for those who would be thankful for having food, unlike those who throw away food just because they do not like it or do not want it.
     The second thing I would change would be the school system. I am a student, currently a sophomore, and if I can change the world, I would change our school system. The first thing I would change is the quality of the public school systems and the school buildings. Honestly, I think and believe that the GDOE should ask the students before making any laws about changing our requirements or anything that would affect the students. Another thing I would do is add a law stating that no teachers are allowed to give out homework and projects during the students break. The final thing I would change would be the teachers. There are many great teachers in school, but there are also teachers that do not teach properly or teach at all, and to those teachers, I would replace them with other teachers that would teach the students properly for college.
     So, these are the very first things I would change if I can change the world. There are many more things in this world that I would like to change, such as the the government, weather, climate, people, and many more, but world hunger and school systems would be on the very top in the list to change.